Liza Schellpfeffer

Professor of Communication

College-wide Faculty Fellow of Online Learning Excellence
Faculty Development Facilitator

Professor Schellpfeffer has served as an educator at Valencia College, East Campus since 2006 and teaches Fundamentals of Speech and Interpersonal Communication in traditional, hybrid and online formats. Working in collaboration with the academic community as the co-leader of the Faculty Preparedness Committee, Professor Schellpfeffer helped to guide the Course Peer Review process and the Rubric for Online Competencies through Valencia's shared governance. As the College-wide Faculty Fellow for Online Learning Excellence (OLE), Professor Schellpfeffer works with the OLE team to develop and facilitate courses to support the quality online teaching and learning initiative. Professor Schellpfeffer has served as Speech/Mass Communications Division Coordinator working with course scheduling, adjunct faculty training, and research projects. As a facilitator for Faculty Development, she has lead various online and hybrid courses for faculty like Boot Camp for Online Instruction and lead summer Destination programs like the Action Research, Canvas, and Rubric for Online Competencies.

Liza earned a master’s degree in communication at the University of Central Florida, a bachelor’s degree in psychology at the University of Central Florida, and a bachelor's degree in Film/TV at Boston University.

Liza lives in Orlando with her family: husband, son, daughter and her yellow lab, Blossom. Outside the classroom, Liza is often found exercising, enjoying a theatrical performance, or indulging in retail therapy.


M.A. University of Central Florida
Communication May 1996
Mediation Tactics and the Influence of Argumentativeness and Verbal Aggressiveness
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Deborah Weiderhatfield

B.A. University of Central Florida
Psychology, May 1994

B.S. Boston University
Broadcasting and Film, May 1990


SPC 1608 Fundamentals of Speech
SPC 1017 Interpersonal Communication


NCA, National Communication Association
FCA, Florida Communication Association


Valencia Digital Professor, 2009


Work in Progress: Learning Outcomes Assessment within Speech and the Library
State Assessment Meeting for the State Colleges of Florida
June 2013

The Online Learning Crossroad: Helping Students Make Informed Choices
Sloan Consortium Conference for Online Education
Poster Session, October 2012


East Campus
Building 7-Room 160
(407) 582-2731


Mondays- District Office 223
Tuesday- District Office 223
Wednesday- East Campus 7-160
Thursday- East Campus 7-160
Friday- Online Virtual-