Course Materials for Dr. Rodríguez Hernández

Latin American Humanities
  • Rubric for Essays  (doc)
         41K: < 1 minute @ 56k

  • Rubric for Group Presentation  (doc)
         42K: < 1 minute @ 56k

  • Rubric for Final Research Paper  (doc)
         49K: < 1 minute @ 56k

  • Rubric for Final Presentation  (doc)
         36K: < 1 minute @ 56k

  • African American Humanities
  • Rubric for Essays  (doc)
         41K: < 1 minute @ 56k

  • Rubric for Group Presentation  (doc)
         42K: < 1 minute @ 56k

  • Rubric for Final Presentation  (doc)
         36K: < 1 minute @ 56k

  • Rubric for Research Paper  (doc)
         49K: < 1 minute @ 56k

  • SPAN 1000 Conversaciones
    Nombre: ________________________________________________ Grupo: _______________________________________________ Fecha: _________________________________________________ RÚBRICA PARA EXAMEN ORAL Criteria Unsatisfactory 1 Fair 2 Good 3 Excellent 4 Outstanding 5 Fluency Little or no response to any of the material presented. Student exhibited virtually no understanding of questions. Student was able to respond to some of the questions but answered appeared forced or memorized. Many long pauses. Fairly competent conversation (perhaps a few pauses) and reasonable attempt at answering a majority of the material presented. Student showed all the qualities of someone who has great competence using beginning Spanish. Answered most of the questions with ease. Student showed all the qualities of someone who has great competence using beginning Spanish. Student was able to complete all aspects of the exam (and perhaps more) with ease. Grammar Virtually no grammar skills displayed Could derive meaning from responses, but with several grammatical errors. Used most of the grammar as taught in class but made a few minor errors. Little or no grammar errors. Showed almost complete mastery of the grammar covered in class. No grammar errors displayed. Showed complete mastery of grammar covered in class (and perhaps beyond.) Vocabulary Little or none of the vocabulary covered in class was used. Limited vocabulary hampered overall ability to answer some questions. Could however derive meaning from responses. Used most of the vocabulary taught in class with a few minor errors. Close to perfect use of vocabulary. Slight errors. Perfect use of vocabulary as studied in class. Perhaps used additional vocabulary. Voice (pronunciation + clarity) . Poor pronunciation, poor intonation, confused expression and/or difficult to hear. Had difficulty with pronunciation, intonation and some confusion. However could derive meaning from responses. Perhaps a little difficult to hear. Good overall pronunciation skills and intonation (some errors.) Close to appropriate volume. Close to perfect pronunciation, intonation. Slight errors. Appropriate volume Exhibited perfect pronunciation, intonation and overall outstanding communication ability. Criteria Unsatisfactory 1 Fair 2 Good 3 Excellent 4 Outstanding 5 Listening Student lacked understanding or ignored some or all questions. Student answered inappropriately at times or failed to acknowledge a few statements but made an effort to respond to most questions. May be anticipating questions from checklist. Student responded to all questions, perhaps slightly inappropriately at times but over all seemed to understand. Student answered virtually all of the questions appropriately and seemed to understand a vast majority of the content Student answered all of the material presented with ease and perhaps even built upon the conversation presented. Fluency _______ x 6 = _____ Grammar _______ x 6 = _____ Vocabulary _______ x 3 = _____ Voice and Pronunciation _______ x 3 = _____ Listening _______ x 2 = _____ Total: / 100

  • Rubric for Oral Presentation  (docx)
         18K: < 1 minute @ 56k

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