Course Materials for Hagan, M.A.

SPN 1120 & SPN 1121 Elementary Spanish (F2F, Online, and Mixed-Mode)
The required textbook for SPN 1120: • Blanco (2022) Portales 2.0: Introductory Spanish. Vista Higher Learning. It is recommended that you purchase the textbook from the Valencia Bookstore. By doing so, you are guaranteed to receive the textbook and the online access code that is required for the course. If you purchase the textbook online from an outside vendor such as Amazon, you are not guaranteed to receive a valid and active online access code that is required for this course. In addition to the textbook, you will also need a computer with a microphone and speakers as well as a webcam, loose-leaf paper and/or notebook, pencils, and pens. Optional materials for color-coding include various colored highlighters, colored pens such as red, blue, and green, and 3x5 notecards.

SPN 1000 & SPN 1001 Conversational Spanish. (F2F, Online, Mixed-Mode, and RTV)
The textbook for SPN 1000 & SPN 1001 will be • Alonso, Alonso, and Zaslow. 'Hola, ¿qué tal?' Vista Higher Learning. It is best to purchase it through the Valencia Bookstore at a discounted price. In addition to the textbook, you will also need a computer with a microphone and speakers as well as a webcam, loose-leaf paper and/or notebook, pencils, and pens. Optional materials for color-coding include various colored highlighters, colored pens such as red, blue, and green, and 3x5 notecards.