Jonathan Landwer
BS Biology/Chemistry, University of Miami
MA Liberal Studies (MLS), Rollins College

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Class Instruction: Introduction to the Humanities 1020, Greek and Roman Studies 2220, Renaissance and Baroque 2232, Enlightenment to Romanticism 2234, Twentieth Century 2250
Fellow Students-
Come with me!
It is my sincere hope that during our journey together that I will be able to share with, and impart upon you, my passion for the Arts and Humanities. We will travel from the dawn of civilization to the new age of artificial intelligence! We will witness the developments and achievements of humankind, where evolution and revolution coexist on all spheres, at all times, during all conditions throughout history.
We will uncover the making of creative genius that was driven by the tides of change and spirited by the intellectual pursuit of “truth and beauty,” to quote the great poet, John Keats (1795-1821 25 yo).
In defining our journey, Dr. Dennis Sporre, author of "The Creative Impulse", relates: "Humans constitute a creative species. Whether in science, politics, business, technology, or the arts, we depend on our creativity almost as much as anything else to meet the demands of daily life. ” In teaching the humanities, we put the arts in context to our experiences. It is through the lens of humankind’s creative response to the experiences of life that we can see what shaped us, as the surviving legacy to the past.
Who, I ask, won’t be profoundly moved by the magnificence of the bronze and marble sculpture of Hellenistic Greece; the rhetoric of Socratic argument; the incredible sensitivity of Gian Lorenzo Bernini; the intricate counterpoint of Antonio Vivaldi; the unparalleled masterworks of Ludwig von Beethoven; the perplexity and complexity of Pablo Picasso, or the revival of Romanticism of Walt Disney and the Imagineers. As I write this, we are experiencing new technology from Artificial Intelligence that will affect how we learn in and out of the classroom. These are exciting times and I'm looking forward to working with Ai as we all learn together!
Yes, together we will trace the footsteps of humankind and be dazzled by the power of humanity. If you are a true participant in life and have a modicum of interest in wanting to know more about your origins, then you are in for a feast; an intellectual banquet. We will witness humanism, in all its manifestations by discovering more than 5000 years of record.
By joining me on this journey, you will discover what we, as human spirits, are truly capable of achieving. Let's embark on what will be your voyage of enlightenment, awe, and a wonder-filled adventure!
Hope to see you in class!
Jonathan Landwer,
Professor of the Humanities,
Valencia College
Last updated 7/10/2024