Dr. Diego Diaz Lopez
Born in Caguas, PR. Analytical Chemist (Electrochemistry) by training. Besides chemistry, I love sports (baseball, basketball, tennis), reading, music, electronics, computers, cooking, and just some quality family time.
After school in Ithaca, NY, worked 4 years in the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois. In 2005 moved to Central Florida, spending six years in the Department of Chemistry at UCF.
I really want to facilitate your learning of chemistry. Please sit back, fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride through Chemistry: the Central Science!

Diego Diaz Lopez |
Faculty Information |
Syllabi |
West Campus |
HSB-138C |
407-582-1718 |
ddiazlopez@valenciacollege.edu |
Teaching Philosophy Statement: Being a teacher is much more than a facilitator of knowledge. As a teacher I strive not only to help my students to understand a subject, but to stimulate their curiosity, help them learn analytical and problem solving skills, and to make connections between real life and the subject. I also want to help the students become better scientists, better students, better professionals, and better people. I believe in making myself available for students that need advice, extra help, and support. Being a teacher is all about enabling students to achieve their full potential, changing lives one at a time. Please visit my full statement on teaching under Course Materials - My documents!