Dr. Doreen Watson
Professor of Sociology
Chair, Sociology and Anthropology
Chair, Sociology and Anthropology
I am Dr. Doreen Watson and have been teaching Sociology for the past 19 years. I started my academic career here at Valencia 37 years ago. After a brief break (10 years), I attended the University of Central Florida, where I received my BA in Sociology. In 2004, I received my MA in Women's Studies and PhD (2007) in Sociology from Texas Woman's University. My areas of expertise are Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, Social Stratification, Criminology, and Deviant Behavior.
On a personal level, I hope to learn how to play the drums and sign language one day. I love to read and I am very addicted to crime television.

Doreen Watson |
Faculty Information |
West Campus |
Building 11 Rm 206 |
407-582-5137 |
dwatson34@valenciacollege.edu |
M-F 10-12 via email: