Dr. Shadab Anwar
Certified Digital Professor
Florida International University Miami Geosciences PhD 2008
Indian Institute of Technology. Kanpur India Civil Engineering MS 2003
Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology India Civil Engineering BS 2001
Introduction to Earth Science (ESC1000) (online )
Introduction to Oceanography (OCE1001) (online )
Selected Publications
10) Anwar, S. 2019. Three-dimensional modeling of coalescence of bubbles using Lattice Boltzmann model. Computers &Fluids. Vol. 184(30):178-186 DOI:10.1016/j.compfluid.2019.03.003.
9) Anwar, S. 2018. A generalized model for pumping well hydraulics in confined aquifers. Journal of Hydroinformatics. Vol. 20 (5): 1085-1099. https://doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2018.158
8) Anwar, S., D. Thorne, Jr. and M. C. Sukop. 2013. Lattice Boltzmann modeling of classic solute transport boundary value problems. Vadose Zone Journal . Vol. 12(4). doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0192.
7) Anwar, S. 2013. Lattice Boltzmann modeling of buoyant rise of single and multiple bubbles. Computers &Fluids. Vol. 88: 430-439
6) Anwar, S. 2012. Spatial moment analysis of reactive and radioactive solute in river system with layered porous bed. Water & Environment Journal. Vol 28:2 (153–164). doi:10.1111/wej.12007
5) Anwar, S. and M.C. Sukop. 2009. Regional scale transient groundwater flow modeling using lattice Boltzmann methods. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. Vol. 58(5): 1015-1022. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2009.02.025
4) Anwar, S. and M.C. Sukop. 2009. Lattice Boltzmann Models for Flow and Transport in Saturated Karst. Ground Water. Vol. 47(3): 401-413. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2008.00514.x
3) Anwar, S., A. Cortis, and M.C. Sukop. 2008. Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media with Conduits to Estimate Macroscopic Continuous Time Random Walk Model Parameters. Prog Comp Fluid Dy. Vol. 8(1-4): 213-221.
2) Sukop, M.C., S. Anwar, J.S. Lee, K.J. Cunningham, and C.D. Langevin. 2008. Modeling Ground-water Flow and Solute Transport in Karst with Lattice Boltzmann Methods, Proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Workshop, May 27-29, 2008, Bowling Green, Kentucky, Western Kentucky University Campus.
1) Bardsley, K.J., S. Anwar, and M.C. Sukop 2006 Simultaneous heat and solute transport modeling of ground water with lattice Boltzmann methods. CMWR XVI - Computational Methods in Water Resources, XVI International Conference,Copenhagen, Denmark, June 19-22
Shadab Anwar |
Faculty Information |
East Campus |
sanwar2@valenciacollege.edu |