Course Materials for Dr. Rubin
BSC 1026 Biology of Human Sexuality - West Campus
General non-laboratory course designed to introduce students to various biological aspects of human sexuality, including sexual genetics and sex determination, sexual anatomy, physiology and development, processes of fertilization, pregnancy, birth control, sexually transmitted diseases, menstruation, menopause and aging. Other appropriate areas may be discussed when time permits. Textbook: Human Sexuality, Yarber et al., Tenth edition, McGraw Hill, 2019 ISBN: 10e 9781264051434 , available at the West Campus Bookstore PLEASE NOTE: earlier (6-9) editions acceptable. e-book: ISBN-13 978-0-07-786194-0 at Vital (formerly
BSC 1020 Human Biology - West Campus
General education non-lab course for students not majoring in biology. Includes study of the human body with an emphasis on major organ systems and processes and their links to biological concepts underlying major societal and bio-ethical issues. Textbook:Required: ISBN: 9780137958559 - Mastering Biology* access code w/ eText for Johnson, Human Biology, 9e (18 week custom access); available from the the Valencia Bookstore. You will also have the option to purchase the textbook if so desired. *Please note that there are no assignments in MyLab for this course. All assignments are within the course in Canvas.
HSC 1531 Medical Terminology - West Campus
Medical Terminology: A study of the language of medicine and allied health specialties, including word construction, definitions, and application of terms. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: The Language of Medicine(12th ed.)by Chabner, Davi-Ellen, Philadelphia: W. B.Saunders Co., 2001. Optional but highly recommended, a medical terminology dictionary: 1.Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 21st or latest edition, F. A. Davis Co., 2001. 2.Stedman’s Medical Dicetionary Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins (LWW) 3.Stedman’s Dictionary for the Medical Professions and Nursing LWW
HSC 4555 Pathophysiology - Future courses TBA
A rich appreciation of the characteristics and manifestations of diseases caused by alterations or injury to the structure or function of the body are essential to the radiologic science professional. This course will study the etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical manifestations associated with the causation and evolution of pathophysiological disorders in several diverse organ systems. The in depth study of pathophysiology allows the professional to communicate better with other health care professionals, including physicians and scientists, as well as with the patient, for the history and physical assessment. Prerequisite: A.S. Degree in Radiography, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Nuclear Medicine Technology, or Radiation Therapy and credentialed by ARRT, NMTCB or ARDMS
BSC-1084- Essentials of Human Structure and Function -Future Courses TBA
Comprehensive course presenting basic information on the structure and function of the human body. Applies principles of anatomy and physiology to show interaction of body systems as they maintain homeostasis. Each body system is presented with emphasis on the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems. Course must be completed with a C or better to continue in the Paramedic Program. Topics to be covered include: - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology - The Hierarchy of Organization of the Human Body - Cells and Tissues - Musculo-Skeletal Systems - Nervous and Endocrine Systems - Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems- Blood, Lymphatics, and the Immune System - Digestive and Urinary Systems - The Reproductive System The textbook for this course is: Anatomy and Physiology for Emergency Care Author Bryan E. Bledsoe; Frederick H. Martini; Edwin F. Bartholomew; Claire W. Garrison; William C. Ober ISBN 978-0-13-234298-8
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