Course Materials for Richards
BUSINESS LAW I Prerequisite: ENC 1101 or ENC 1101H or ENC 1210 or GEB 1011 or IDH 1110 or OST 1335 Introduction to law, its social forces and agencies for enforcement; effects of governmental regulation on business and society, including environmental law, community planning and consumer protection; contracts; personal property, including bailments and sales. Note:This course is delivered in a mixed-mode format that blends on campus and online instruction. You will be required to attend class every Wednesday during the term.
REAL ESTATE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES Study of legal and economic aspects of real estate with emphasis on ownership, realty market, instruments of record, mortgages, taxes and government regulations. Students interested in sitting for Florida Real Estate Commission exam must take combined REE 1000 and REE 1400 end-of-course exam and receive grade of 70 percent or better.
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