Syllabi for Mr Falwell
Valencia College
MUL 1010, 3 credit hours Music Appreciation
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course surveys the evolution of music within the context of historical events and modern society. Students will develop the skills necessary to appreciate and critically evaluate music from around the world.
COURSE TOPICS: This course will cover the following content areas with varying degrees of emphasis:
1. Music genres including: medieval, Renaissance, baroque, classical, romantic, and twenty-first century western music.
2. Music terminology
3. Techniques for evaluating musical compositions and performances
4. Music within the social context
5. The role of music in local, national, and/or global communities
COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course is intended to expose students to a variety of music and musical experiences through lecture, discussion, and direct experience involving critical listening. Students will enhance their awareness of the various elements, origins, and developments in music, as well as enrich critical thinking skills related to evaluating music. Students will prepare critiques of music performances in writing. By the end of the course, the student should have the background for appreciating the major genres of music, as well as having an enhanced ability to appreciate the various primary elements of any musical creation and /or performance.
COURSE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, successful students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Think critically through demonstrating interpretive ability and cultural literacy (Florida DOE Statewide General Education Humanities Learning Outcome #1).
2. Reflect critically upon the human condition (Florida DOE Statewide General Education Humanities Learning Outcome #2).
3. List and describe the major historical periods of Western music and the stylistic characteristics that define them.
4. Develop a vocabulary necessary to communicate the attributes of music as they relate to the various elements of music in historical periods and global cultural contexts.
5. Recognize, define, and describe various types of melody, harmony, rhythm, texture, and timbre.
6. Discuss the function of music as it relates to religion, ethnicity, gender, patriotism, work, and/or entertainment.
A. The required text for this course is: Music: A Social Experience Plus MySearchLab, (2012) by Steven Cornelius and Mary Nat vig ISBN-13: 9780205910106
B. Materials: You are required to have a laptop computer with regular access to the Internet. You will also need to have headphones or speakers that enable you to listen to music from your computer.
CANVAS USE: The class syllabus is posted in CANVAS, an online course management system. In this course, CANVAS will be used for course announcements, grading, assignment information, and assessments.
Information on how to use CANVAS is available at:
CANVAS Support is available from 9am to 5pm, Monday - Friday. Please call : 407-582-5600
Late work
Late discussion posts receive no credit. For other assignments, late work will be penalized 10% of the total points for each day that an assignment is late. Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) are counted as two days; Valencia College recognized holidays are not counted.
Please see the course schedule in Canvas and at the end of this syllabus. Any changes to the schedule will be announced through your CANVAS course website. Each Module will will include the following graded assignments. 1. Discussion Post. 2. Unit Test. 3. Written Assignment. Additionally, each student is required to post an Introduction Video during the first week of classes.
Each module will be open for a set amount of time (please see course calendar) and during that time you will have to complete the reading, discussion, writing assignment, and unit test. Look over the rubric for the assignments.
For every written assignment make sure you include in text citations and a reference page at the end in APA format. Written assignments need to be between 500 and 750 words. All the reading materials are in the modules as well as supplemental reading for you to look at.
In addition to the book and CD's there are supplemental reading materials in the modules for you to look at. If you have any questions, email or message us and we will try to get back to you quickly. There is also a message board in each module for you to ask myself and your peers questions.
Module 1. Music Fundamentals
Starting the discussion: Music in Recent News
How does music communicate meaning?
What is music? How do we experience it?
How can musical elements convey social meaning?
Module 2. Musical Identities
Music as expression of ethnicity and culture
Can music be masculine or feminine? Can it express gender identity?
Is there a difference between spiritual music and religious music?
Module 3. Musical Intersections
What kinds of music might be considered political? How might music move us to embrace or reject political ideas?
How does music impact war? How does war impact music?
How do love songs reflect different social norms across cultures?
Module 4. Musical Narratives
What is the appeal in musicals? How do they reflect racial and social issues in contemporary America
Music and plot narratives in films
Music, dance, and cultural and ethnic representations
Why go to a concert, rather than listen to recorded music? What can a musical performance reveal about history, culture, and society
Contingency Plans: In the event of an emergency, it may be necessary for Valencia College to suspend normal operations. During this time, Valencia College may opt to continue delivery of instruction through methods that include but are not limited to: CANVAS, Elluminate, Skype, and email messaging and/or an alternate schedule. It’s the responsibility of the student to monitor CANVAS site for each class for course specific communication, and the main Valencia College websites, emails, and messages for important general information. See the Safety Preparedness Website for further information.
Disabilities Accommodation: Students are responsible for registering with the Office of Students with Disabilities Services (SDS) in order to receive academic accommodations. Reasonable notice must be given to the SDS office (typically 5 working days) for accommodations to be arranged. It is the responsibility of the student to provide each instructor with a Memo of Accommodation.
Instructor Copyright: Students may not sell notes or other course materials.