Syllabi for Meyers

Intro to Earth Science


ESC 1000

Spring 2017


Ed Meyers





Foundations of Earth Science by Frederick K. Lutgens and Edward J. Tarbuck, Prentice Hall, Inc.




Earth Science Work Book to accompany Foundations of Earth Science by Gustavo Morales






A study of the Earth Sciences with emphasis on geology.  Additional topics to be selected from astronomy, oceanography, and meteorology.  Emphasis will be placed on the state of Florida.




Earth science is a broad and non-qualitative study, at the entry level, of topics in geology,

oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy.

This course is designed to give beginning students an understudying and an appreciation for the Earth including the atmosphere and oceans and the solar system.




It is the policy of Valencia Community College that all students should attend classes in order to pass a course.  Attendance will be taken each class.  After 3 absences you must see me immediately or withdrawal from the course. 


Students are expected to be on time and remain in class for the duration of the lecture.  While in class your professional behavior is expected. 

Missing a class does not absolve you from the responsibility of course work.


Please turn off your cell phones during class



There will be 6 pop quizzes given this semester. Missed quizzes cannot be made up with out prior approval or a medical certificate.

Quizzes will be worth 10% of your final grade.

You may drop your lowest quiz grade




There will be hourly 3 tests during the semester.  Each test will cover 3 chapters.   Exams will be worth 60% of your final grade. 




The final exam will be comprehensive and is worth 20% of your final grade.




Being present is not enough.  Class participation should involve opinions regarding materials from television, radio, magazines, newspapers and journals, and class discussions.  This is your class; if there are interests in other aspects of earth science not covered in the textbook I will make sure to incorporate them into the class. 


If you miss class you can download powerpoint class notes from atlas via faculty front door.  Go to Student tab, Faculty Websites, Meyers, Course Materials



A college level paper is due for this course.    The paper must be 4 pages, typed, double-spaced, and include at least 3 references. The paper will be worth 10% of your final grade.  Papers must be submitted on or prior to March 25, 2017.  Late papers will suffer a 25% penalty.  No papers will be accepted one week past the due date.


The subject of this paper should be related to Florida’s Geologic History. If you wish to write about a subject other than Florida Geology, please see me for final approval of the topic.  


However, rather than submitting a paper, you may chose to attend a field trip to the Florida Natural History Museum and Devil’s Millhopper State Park in Gainesville.  If you attend the field trip you will be awarded 50 points for your paper.  The cost of the field trip is approximately 5 dollars plus gas and lunch.  You will be responsible for transportation to Gainesville if you choose to attend the fieldtrip.  The field trip is not mandatory.  The field trip will be held on Saturday, March 25, 2017.



Your final grade will be determined from the following point system:


Exams                                   300

Daily Quizzes                         50

Final Exam                           100

Field Trip/ Paper                    50

TOTAL POINTS                  500


The total points earned by the student will be calculated as a percentage of the total points possible during the semester.


Grades will be assigned as follows:

A             450-500

B             400-450

C             350-400

D             300-350

F              <300



There will be no exam make-ups.  If you miss an exam, for whatever reason, you will not be penalized.  A blank will be carried in my grade book until the comprehensive final exam.  Your final exam grade will then be recorded as your missing exam. 


On the other hand, if you have taken all the scheduled exams, you may substitute your lowest exam grade for your final exam.