Deb Clarke

Part-time Faculty | New Student Experience

Deb joined Valencia as a Faculty Developer/Instructional Designer in January of 2023. Originally from Wisconsin, she has worked in two-year higher education environments for most of her career. Her instructional experience includes facilitation of credit and non-credit offerings in Leadership, Organizational Development, Supervision, and related Business courses.

Deb enjoys the opportunity to teach in multiple and mixed modalities where students have the opportunity to access learning that may have previously been unavailable to them. Her CliftonStrengths talents include Learner, Input, Individualization, Positivity, and Arranger.

Deb graduated with a B.S. in Political Science/Dance Education from Minnesota State University-Mankato in Mankato, MN and an M.A. in Student Personnel Administration from Ball State University in Muncie, IN.

Stop by the Center for Teaching/Learning Innovation on the Winter Park Campus (Room 130) to connect with Deb or send her an email.


Winter Park Campus


Office Hours by Appointment
Use the Calendly link in your NSE course