Dr. Kelly M. Moore
Dr. Kelly M. Moore, has worked professionally as a Board Certified Medical Illustrator creating impactful and anatomically correct case specific exhibits for litigation. He has also produced numerous illustrations for medical journals and books. At the University of Miami, he worked as a Nurse Educator at five clinical sites for Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries as part of a National Institutes of Health, National Library Information System grant. At UM Medical School, he served as a Librarian-Educator for Health Informatics Education. In this position, he trained medical students for life-long learning. He coordinated with the school’s basic science and clinical faculty to identify and implement case studies and integrate effective Evidence-based Medicine practices by selecting, evaluating the most relevant literature articles and integrating systematic research into patient care. In Central Florida, during the last twenty years he has taught at wide range of Biological Science and Anatomy & Physiology courses including Human Gross Anatomy.
He earned his two Bachelor degrees from the University of Akron where he studied Design and Biology. He earned his Master of Associated Medical Sciences degree in Biomedical Visualization from the University of Illinois and later he earned his Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Miami. Dr. Moore earned his Ph.D. degree in Science Education at the Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, Fl. His current research focuses on the effects of spatial ability and 3D Interactive Computer-assisted Instruction on learning Functional Anatomy. Dr. Moore embraces innovative technologies that enhance student learning of anatomy and physiology.
Dr. Moore enjoys teaching Biological Science courses, Anatomy & Physiology I and II. He started teaching at Valencia College in 2004. He is committed to helping students prepare for Valencia College's Allied Health Science and Nursing programs. He frequently serves on college wide committees and initiatives to improve student learning outcomes.
In his spare time, he enjoys spending quality time with his family.
Kelly M. Moore |
Faculty Information |
Syllabi |
Course Materials |
West Campus |
HSB 119 |
407 582 1197 |
kmmoore@valenciacollege.edu |
As posted