Dr. Marsha Butler
PT Faculty, BASBOL
Study Abroad Program Leader, Portugal 2024
Service Learning Mentor
Master's Degree: Human Resource Development
Doctorate Degree: Organizational Leadership, minor: Conflict Resolution
SLS1122 is a course about the student's personal development, this is the only course you will take in college focused on YOU. I enjoy teaching this class, it is by far my favorite course to teach. I provide students with tips, tools, and support needed to be successful in college. The SLS course is a unique one that helps students learn about the necessary supports and services available to them at Valencia.
Statistics show that students who take and successfully complete SLS have higher academic success levels than those who do not take the SLS course. The key to being successful in the class is to try out and use the information provided in the course.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to email me. I love helping students and giving them the keys to success!
Additional courses:
• SLS1122H: New Student Experience Honors
• SLS 2940: Service Learning
• SLS 2940H: Service Learning Honors
Bachelor in Applied Science: Business and Organizational Leadership (BASBOL):
• MAN3240: Organizational Behavior
• MAN4301: HR Management
Marsha Butler |
Faculty Information |
Syllabi |
Course Materials |
West Campus |
1-248 |
(407)582-1167 |
mbutler36@valenciacollege.edu |
Virtual hours via phone or Zoom
MTR: :10:00am - 1:00pm
F: 10:00am - 11:00am