Nelly Cintron-Lorenzo


Professor Nelly Cintron-Lorenzo is currently Tenured Faculty member of Valencia College, Certified Digital Professor, Certified QuickBooks User, Certified Active Learning Professor and Certified Quality Matters Reviewer. She completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting and Minors in Mathematics and Management. She also successfully completed the Federal Financial Management Certificate in November 1999 and Management Certificate Program with a concentration in Leadership and Management in July 2002.

Professor Nelly Cintron-Lorenzo has been teaching accounting courses at Valencia College since January 2004. However, she has been teaching online for more than fifteen years. Prof.Cintron-Lorenzo has more than twenty-five years responsible experience working for Private, Educational and Governmental Institutions dealing with Accounting, Taxes and Auditing. Professor Cintron-Lorenzo has over twenty years’ experience in teaching Accounting and Math at different Universities and Business Colleges as Adjunct Professor.

As part on her authentic instruction approach, she promotes a dynamic and fun learning environment, inspiring students to value and discover the joy of accounting, applying the concepts learned in class to their own daily lives that involve business events to facilitate the accounting learning process. This encourages her students to build up their knowledge for complex and higher level of learning tasks in later classes. As a professor, she encourages her students to reach their goals and pursue their dreams.

Her teaching philosophy reflects her interests in contextual and collaborative learning. Instead of the "traditional teaching" method of large lectures, she prefers student-centered teaching that encourage learning by both students and instructors in real-life authentic ways. She supports classroom dynamics that permit collaborative dialogues with peers, fosters interactivity, teaches responsibility for learning and encourages a degree of student input as to curriculum and grading criteria.


West Campus


Virtual office hours will be Mondays to Thursdays 1:00 PM-3:00 PM and on Fridays 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM). If you have an emergency or need to set up an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact me at (407) 582-1483 or by E-mail through Canvas, preferably and I will be happy to assist you or set up a Zoom meeting.
** Appointments are highly recommended.**

Tutorials of Accounting Basics: