Dr. Robyn Falcone
Dual Bachelors' degrees: B.S. Microbiology and B.A. Chemistry, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida
Master of Science (M.S.) in Medical Sciences; Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, USF College of Medicine, Tampa, Florida
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Medical Sciences, University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa, Florida
My graduate work was in a molecular biology laboratory located in Moffitt Cancer Center under the mentoring of Dr. Richard Jove, a noted researcher in the Src oncogene and its role in cancer. My research in cell signaling and specific DNA-binding proteins (STATs) led to a discovery that the STAT proteins are upregulated in many forms of inflammation and cancer. These STAT proteins bind to DNA and regulate certain genes that prevent cell death (apoptosis) and ultimately allow cancer cells to survive.
My research was instrumental in securing a 5-year, $5-million NIH grant for Moffitt Cancer Center. This discovery paved the way for the Moffitt Cancer Center Drug Discovery program to continue the development of drugs that can block STAT proteins and allow cancer cells to die, and may prolong the life and improve the quality of life of cancer patients. It was an exciting time of being able to publish a seminal paper that is still being referenced today in the molecular biology research field of cell signaling.
After my post-doctoral fellowship, I began compiling current research and developed a curriculum used for instruction in the healthcare field. I have had a variety of teaching experiences over the years ranging from elementary school grades through college.
I find science fascinating, especially the biological sciences and human biological systems. My focus as a professor is to impart the same enthusiasm I have for science to my students so that they may progress in college to make scientific advances in our community and beyond. Whether a student's goal is a professional in the healthcare field, as a researcher, or future instructor, I hope to ignite the interest for science in my students.
Publications (as Catlett-Falcone R):
Catlett-Falcone, R, Landowski, TH, Oshiro, MM, Turkson, J, Levitzki, A, Savino, R, Ciliberto, G, Moscinski L, Fernandez-Luna, JL, Nunez, G, Dalton WS, and Jove, R. Constitutive Activation of Stat3 Signaling Confers Resistance to Apoptosis in Human U266 Myeloma Cells. Immunity 10(1): 105-115.
Burdelya, L, Catlett-Falcone, R, Levitzi, A, Cheng, F, Mora, LB, Sotomayor, E, Coppola,D, Sun, L, Sebti, S, Dalton, WS, Jove, R, Yu, H. 2002. Combination Therapy with AG-490 and Interleukin 12 Achieves Greater Antitumor Effects than Either Agent Alone. Mol Cancer Ther. 1(11): 893-899.
Oshiro, MM, Landowski, TH, Catlett-Falcone, R, Hazelhurst, LA, Huang, M, Jove, R, and Dalton, WS. 2001. Inhibition of JAK Kinase Activity Enhances Fas-mediated apoptosis but Reduces Cytotoxic Activity of Topoisomerase II Inhibitors in U266 Myeloma Cells. Clin. Cancer Res. 7: 4262-4271.
Epling-Burnette, PK, Liu, JH, Catlett-Falcone, R, Turkson, J, Oshiro, MM, Kothapalli, R, Li, Y, Yang-Yen, HF, Karras, J, Jove, R, Loughran, TP. 2000. Inhibition of STAT3 Signaling Leads to Apoptosis of Leukemic Large Granular Lymphocytes and Decreased Mcl-1 Expression. J Clin Invest. 107(3): 351-362.
Epling-Burnette,PK, Catlett-Falcone, R, Kothapalli, R, Oshiro,MM, Jove, R,and Loughran, TP. Induction of apoptosis in large granular lymphocyte (Lgl) leukemia by JAK tyrosine kinase inhibitor AG-490: Role of STAT3-regulated Mcl-1. Exp Hemat 28(7): 90-91.
Burdelya, L, Catlett-Falcone, R, Levitzki, A, Jove, R, Yu, H, Firelds, K. Interleukin-12 Enhances the Antitumor Effect of the Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor AG-490 in a Murine Myeloma Model. Exp Hemat 28(7): 105.
Huang,M, Catlett-Falcone, R, Burdelya, L, Landowski, T, Oshiro, MM, Moschinski, L, Loughran, TP, Saba, H, Sullivan, D, Yu, H, Dalton, WS, Jove, R. 2000. Constitutive Activation of STAT Signaling in Myeloid Leukemia Cells is Associated with Resistance to Apoptosis. Exp. Hemat. 28(7): 106.
Catlett-Falcone, R, Dalton, WS, and Jove, R. 1999. STAT Proteins as Novel Targets for Cancer Therapy. Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription. (Review) Curr Opin Oncol. 11(6): 490-496.
Niu G, Heller R, Catlett-Falcone R, Coppola D, Jaroszeski M, Dalton WS, Jove R, Yu H. Gene Therapy with Dominant-Negative STAT3 Suppresses Growth of the Murine Melanoma B16 Tumor in vivo. 1999. Amer J Cancer 59(20): 5059-5063.
Robyn Falcone |
Faculty Information |
Syllabi |
West Campus |
407-582-7469 |
rfalcone@valenciacollege.edu |
By appointment, email to arrange for personal phone calls or Zoom meetings.
Certifications: Associate Faculty certification, Digital Professor certification, LifeMap certification, Active Learning Certification Visiting Professor, 08/2021-2022; Destination 2021: Equity-minded Practice Track Participant; SEED I Program Participant, Fall 2021; SEED II Program Participant, Spring 2022