Dr. Yasser Saad
1. Kapoor N, Niu J, Saad Y, Kumar S, Sirakova T, Becerra E, Li X, Kolattukudy PE. Transcription Factors STAT6 and KLF4 Implement Macrophage Polarization via the Dual Catalytic Powers of MCPIP. J Immunol. 2015. [Epub ahead of print]
2. Roy, A., Zhang, M., Saad, Y., and Kolattukudy, P.E. Anti-dicer RNase activity of monocyte chemotactic protein-induced protein-1 (MCPIP1) is critical for inducing angiogenesis. American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology, 305: C1021-1032, 2013.
3. Niu, J., Wang, K., Zhelyabovska, O., Saad, Y., and Kolattukudy, P.E. MCP-1-Induced Protein promotes endothelial-like and angiogenic properties in human bone marrow monocytic cells. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 347: 288-97, 2013.
4. Liang, J., Wang, J., Saad, Y., Warble, L., Becerra, E., and Kolattukudy, P.E. Participation of MCP-induced protein 1 in lipopolysaccharide preconditioning-induced ischemic stroke tolerance by regulating the expression of proinflammatory cytokines. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 8: 182-193, 2011.
5. Liang, J., Saad, Y., Lei, T., Wang, J., Qi, D., Yang, Q., Kolattukudy, P.E., and Fu, M. MCP-induced protein 1 deubiquitinates TRAF proteins and negatively regulates JNK and NF-{kappa}B signaling. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 20: 2959-2973, 2010.
6. Joe, B., Saad, Y., Lee, N.H., Frankm B.C., Achinike, O.H., Luu, T.V., Gopalakrishnan, K., Toland, E.J., Farms, P., Yerga-Woolwine, S., Manickavasagam, E., Rapp, J.P., Garrett, M.R., Coe, D., Apte, S.S., Rankinen, T., PĂ©russe, L., Ehret, G.B., Ganesh, S.K., Cooper, R.S., O'Connor, A., Rice, T., Weder, A.B., Chakravarti, A., Rao, D.C., Bouchard, C. Positional identification of variants of Adamts16 linked to inherited hypertension. Human Molecular Genetics, 18: 2825-38, 2009.
7. Packard, M., Saad, Y., Gunning, W.T., Gupta, S., Shapiro, J., and Garrett, M.R. Investigating the effects of genetic background on proteinuria and renal injury using two hypertensive strains. American Journal of Physiology, Renal Physiology, 296: F839-846, 2009.
8. Toland, E.J., Yerga-Woolwine, S., Farms, P., Cicila, G.T., Saad, Y., and Joe, B. Blood pressure and proteinuria effects of multiple quantitative trait loci on rat chromosome 9 that differentiate the spontaneously hypertensive rat from the Dahl salt-sensitive rat. Journal of Hypertension, 26: 2134-2141, 2008.
9. Toland, E.J., Saad, Y., Yerga-Woolwine, S., Ummel, S., Farms, P., Ramdath, R., Frank, B.C., Lee, N.H., and Joe, B. Closely linked non-additive blood pressure quantitative trait loci. Mammalian Genome, 19: 209-218, 2008.
10. Sampram, E.S., Saad, Y., and Ouriel, K. Arterial thrombosis in mice with factor V-Leiden mutation. Vascular, 16: 31-34, 2008.
11. Saad, Y., Toland, E.J., Yerga-Woolwine, S., Farms, P., and Joe, B. Congenic mapping of a blood pressure QTL region on rat chromosome 10 using the Dahl salt-sensitive rat with introgressed alleles from the Milan normotensive strain. Mammalian Genome, 19: 85-91, 2008.
12. Saad, Y., Yerga-Woolwine, S., Saikumar, J., Farms, P., Manickavasagam, E., Toland, E.J., and Joe, B. Congenic interval mapping of RNO10 reveals a complex cluster of closely-linked genetic determinants of blood pressure. Hypertension 50: 891-898, 2007.
13. Saad, Y., Garrett, M.R., Manickavasagam, E., Yerga-Woolwine, S., Farms, P., Radecki, T., and Joe Bina. Fine-mapping and comprehensive transcript analysis reveals nonsynonymous variants within a novel 1.17 Mb blood pressure QTL region on rat chromosome 10. Genomics 89: 343-353, 2007.
14. Ramchandran, R. Takezako, T., Saad, Y., Stull, L., Fink, B., Yamada, H., Dikalov, S., Harrison, D.G., Moravec, C., and Karnik, S.S. Angiotensinergic stimulation of vascular endothelium in mice causes hypotension, bradycardia, and attenuated angiotensin Response. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103: 19087-19092, 2006.
15. Adhikary, G., Gupta, S., Sil, P., Saad, Y., and Sen, S. Characterization and functional significance of myotrophin: A gene with multiple transcripts. Gene 353: 31-40, 2005.
16. Takezako, T., Gogonea, C., Saad, Y., Noda, K., and Karnik, S.S. "Network leaning" as a mechanism of insurmountable antagonism of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor by non-peptide antagonists. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279: 15248-15257, 2004.
17. Yousufuddin, M., Haji, S., Starling, R.C., Tuzcu, E.M., Ratliff, N.B., Cook, D.J., Abdo, A., Saad, Y., Karnik, S.S., Wang, D., McCarthy, P.M., Young, J.B., and Yamani, M.H. Cardiac angiotensin II receptors as predictors of transplant coronary artery disease following heart transplantation. European Heart Journal 25: 377-385, 2004.
18. Karnik, S.S., Gogonea, C., Patil, S., Saad, Y., and Takezako, T. Activation of G-protein-coupled receptors: a common molecular mechanism. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 14: 431-437, 2003.
19. Saad, Y., Garrett, M.R., and Rapp, J.P. Multiple blood pressure QTL on rat chromosome 1 defined by Dahl rat congenic strains. Physiological Genomics 4: 201-214, 2001.
20. Feng, Y.H., Saad, Y., and Karnik, S.S. Reversible inactivation of AT2 angiotensin II receptor from cysteine-disulfide bond exchange. FEBS Letters 484: 133-138, 2000.
21. Garrett M.R., Saad, Y., Dene, H., and Rapp, J.P. Blood Pressure QTL that differentiate Dahl salt sensitive and spontaneously hypertensive rats. Physiological Genomics 3: 33-38, 2000.
22. Saad, Y., Garrett, M.R., Lee, S.J., Dene, H., and Rapp, J.P. Localization of a blood pressure QTL on rat chromosome 1 using Dahl rat congenic strains. Physiological Genomics 1: 119-125, 1999.
23. Acharya, S., Saad, Y., and Karnik, S.S. Transducin-alpha C-terminal peptide binding site consists of C-D and E-F loops of rhodopsin. Journal of Biological Chemistry 272: 6519-6524, 1997.
24. Doerder, F.P., Arslanyolu, M., Saad, Y., Kaczmarck, M., Mendoza, M., and Mita, B. Ecological genetics of Tetrahymena thermophila, mating types, i-Antigens, multiple alleles and epistasis. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 43: 95-100, 1996.
25. Noda, K., Feng, Y.H., Liu, X.P., Saad, Y., Husain, A., and Karnik, S.S. The active state of the AT1 angiotensin receptor is generated by angiotensin II induction. Biochemistry 35: 16435-16442, 1996.
26. Saad, Y., and Doerder, F.P. Immobilization antigen variation in natural isolates of Tetrahymena thermophila. European Journal of Protistology 31: 45-53, 1995.
27. Noda, K., Saad, Y., Kinoshita, A., Boyle, T.P., Graham, R.M., Husain, A., and Karnik, S.S. Tetrazole and carboxylate groups of angiotensin receptor antagonists bind to the same subunit by different mechanisms. Journal of Biological Chemistry 270: 2284-2289, 1995.
28. Feng, Y.H., Noda, K., Saad, Y., Liu, X.P., Husain, A., and Karnik, S.S. The docking of Arg2 of angiotensin II with Asp281 of AT1 receptor is essential for full agonism. Journal of Biological Chemistry 270: 12846-12850, 1995.
29. Noda, K., Saad, Y., and Karnik, S.S. Interaction of Phe8 of Angiotensin II with Lys199 and His256 of AT1 receptor in agonist activation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 270: 28511-28514, 1995.
30. Noda, K., Saad, Y., Graham, R.M., and Karnik, S.S. The high affinity state of the beta2-adrenergic receptor requires unique interaction between conserved and non-conserved extracellular loop cysteines. Journal of Biological Chemistry 269: 6743-6752, 1994.
Yasser Saad |
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West Campus |
AHS216 |
407-582-5516 |
ysaad1@valenciacollege.edu |
Fall 2024
Email: ysaad1@valenciacollege.edu
Phone: 407-582-5516
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M-12:45 PM-3:30 PM
T- 2:00 PM-3:30 PM
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