Course Materials for Glass

Required Course reading will be available on Canvas via this Online Class at no additional cost.
If you have Canvas access issues, please contact Valencia's Tech team asap. The REQUIRED chapter readings are posted on Canvas. The Required Course online book is offered at no charge through Canvas. You may download it from Canvas. Chapter One and Chapter Two reading assignments are posted below so you can get a head start on reading. :) The first week of class there is an online "About me" assignment and a participation quiz, which are due by the end of the first week! Both can only be completed online at Canvas. If for some reason you have concerns about this first assignment, please contact me asap. Failure to complete these assignments will result in being reported as a "no-show" student, and you will be dropped from the course. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any reason! Thanks! Prof Glass

  • Chapter One reading Assignment! - pdf version  (pdf)
         659K: about 1 minute @ 56k

  • Chapter One Reading Assignment - Word version  (docx)
         618K: about 1 minute @ 56k

  • Chapter Two Reading Assignment pdf version  (pdf)
         388K: about 1 minute @ 56k

  • Chapter Two reading assignment - word version  (docx)
         626K: about 1 minute @ 56k

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