Course Materials for Tuttle
202130-MNA-2325-32072 - Compensation & Benefits (Summer 2021)
This course discusses various compensation and benefits plans, legal issues, and the administration of compensation and benefits plans. Emphasis is on providing a basic understanding of the business concepts utilized in the compensation and benefits area. Course Objective: The goal of this course is to provide students with a theoretical framework to examine and form a knowledge base of understanding pertaining to HR policies and procedures. We will examine current issues and challenges within HR management with an emphasis on: Compensation and benefits administration Relevant laws that govern policies and procedures within HR Employee relations Talent acquisition, Training and Development Employee Attrition Performance Management Required Textbook: Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach. Ninth (9th) Edition. Author: Martocchio, Joseph J. Pearson. ISBN: -13: 978-0-13-432054-0 202130 Compensation and Benefits Sys MNA-2325-32072 Section WC Credit hours: 3 Course Prerequisites: MAN 2300
Human Res Recruitment/Staffing MNA-2320-22377 (January, Spring 2021)
Human Resources Recruitment & Staffing prepares all current and future managers to take a strategic and modern approach to the identification, attraction, selection, deployment, and retention of talent. This course examines how the functions of recruitment, selection, staffing and training fit into a Human Resources Department. Students will practice analyzing positions, recruiting qualified applicants, interviewing candidates for employment and, once hired, orientation and training. Credit hours: 3 Course Prerequisites: MAN2300 Required Textbook: Strategic Staffing 4th Edition Author: Jean M. Phillips ISBN: 978-1-948426-86-2 Textbook can be purchased through the college bookstore or from another book vendor. E-book.
Recruitment & Staffing 202020-MNA-2320-25738 (Spring 2020)
Strategic Staffing prepares all current and future managers to take a strategic and modern approach to the identification, attraction, selection, deployment, and retention of talent. This course examines how the functions of recruitment, selection, staffing and training fit into a Human Resources Department. Students will practice analyzing position, recruiting qualified applicants, interviewing candidates for employment and, once hired, orientation and training. Required Textbook: Strategic Staffing 4th Edition Author: Jean M. Phillips ISBN: 978-1-948426-86-2 Textbook can be purchased through the college bookstore or from another book vendor.
Florida Real Estate Law 201930 REE-1400-33425 (Summer 2019)
Florida Real Estate Principles, Practices, and Law, 41th Edition. Linda L. Crawford. Dearborn Real Estate Education, La Crosse 2017. Strongly Recommended: Florida Real Estate Exam Manual, 41th Edition. Linda L. Crawford. Dearborn Real Estate Education, La Crosse 2017
201820 Florida Real Estate Law REE-1400-20403 (Spring 2018)
Florida Real Estate Principles, Practices, and Law, 41th Edition. Linda L. Crawford. Dearborn Real Estate Education, La Crosse 2017. Strongly Recommended: Florida Real Estate Exam Manual, 41th Edition. Linda L. Crawford. Dearborn Real Estate Education, La Crosse 2017
MAN 2300 Introduction to Human Resources Management (CRN 20237) Spring 2018
D: Print + digital: Bundle: Managing for Human Resources, Loose-Leaf Version, 17th + MindLink for MindTap® Management, 1 term (6 months) Printed Access Card ISBN 9781305778573. Or All-digital option: MindLink for MindTap® Management, 1 term (6 months) Printed Access Card for Snell/Morris/Bohlander’s Managing Human Resources, 17th ISBN 9781305393738
REE 1400 CRN 1151 Fall 2018
Florida Real Estate Principles, Practices, and Law, 41th Edition. Linda L. Crawford. Dearborn Real Estate Education, La Crosse 2017. Strongly Recommended: Florida Real Estate Exam Manual, 41th Edition. Linda L. Crawford. Dearborn Real Estate Education, La Crosse 2017
Erin Tuttle |
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