Mike Mandl

(aka) "Professor Mike"

Mr. Mandl (Mike) is formerly (now retired) Director of Academic Affairs with ATA College, a Nursing and Allied Healthcare school in Spring Hill, Florida. As the chief academic officer for the school, he provides administrative leadership and direction to the College's teaching and public services programs.

Before this, he was Chief Financial Officer of The TMT Group, a Healthcare Consulting, and Practice Management Company, and served as the Vice President of Operations with A+Plus Coding Consultants, LLC. He has over 30 years' experience in management and leadership in business, higher education and in the military.

As a practice management consultant, executive education director, and graduate college chair, Mr. Mandl has demonstrated expertise in education, operations, and financial assessment, as well as leadership and curriculum development in the for-profit education sector. He also excels in developing and implementing provider and staff education regarding the strategic initiatives necessary to help these groups achieve success in the Health Care and Management field. This is important as industries continue to evolve in the twenty-first century, that organizations remain agile enough to change with the rapidly evolving dynamic that is business and healthcare today.

Mr. Mandl formerly served as Director of Education with Daymar College in Louisville, Kentucky. As the chief academic officer for the flagship campus in the Daymar Group he provided administrative leadership and direction to the College's teaching and public services programs. As the Academic Dean for Virginia College, in Augusta Georgia, he was responsible for establishing a successful academic team for this start-up campus while successfully guided the department through the initial stage of local campus accreditation through the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS).

During his tenure with the University of Phoenix, he successfully assumed various leadership positions at campuses in multiple locations nationwide. His progressive history of success included positions such as Graduate College Chair, Director of Operations, Academic Affairs Manager, and Continuing Education and Learning Center Manager within the larger organization.

With 20 years' military service, Mr. Mandl served as a Drill Sergeant, Operations Manager, Platoon Leader, and Military Police law enforcement. He retired in 1995 as a disabled veteran, who saw military service in 5 countries, on three continents in the 1970's though the 1990's.

Like many of you, Mr. Mandl received his undergraduate degree later in life from the University of Phoenix Colorado Springs Campus, and a Master of Business Administration Degree with a major in Global Management in 2001 from the University of Phoenix in Phoenix Arizona (online).


Faculty WebSite


I check e-mail regularly. In most cases e-mail inquiries will receive a response the same day if submitted by 8pm.

Important Announcements
Welcome to MAN3353 Management Theory and Practices

I would like to take this time to welcome you to MAN 3353 Management Theory and Practices. I am looking forward to the semester. This class is a core requirement within the BAS program. The first step is to review some basic information about this course in the Course Information module. Once you have gone through the content please complete the Let's Get to Know One Another discussion board. This will help us get to know one another and will let you get familiar with discussion boards. Another page you want to pay close attention to is the “Modules” list on the left side of the course. Modules list all the assignments that are due by week. It is recommended that you print/or save this document for use during the semester. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THIS: For Each Module, you must open and read each item in every module that indicates "view". You must view each item to open and complete the module assignment. As always please begin with the "Start Here - Finish Strong" module and read/click on the "Mark Done" button (on the top right side of the modules) to proceed through the course. All additional modules must be "viewed" in order and you must click on the "Next" button (on the bottom right of the module) before gaining access to the rest of the course. In this class we will be using Open Electronic Resources (OERs), there is NO TEXTBOOK to purchase for this course. Everything you will need to complete assignments, quizzes, and discussions, and other assignments will be provided to you in the course by me, the professor. Each discussion, assignment and/or case study requires that you reference and cite the OER textbook. Information on how to do this and the citation requirements is posted as an article in the Announcements Tab. Communication is the key to any course. I will do my very best to respond to any questions you have as soon as I can. Please communicate any issues or questions you have as soon as possible. I cannot fix a problem or answer a question if I am not aware of it. I am here for you and your success. I look forward to a great semester! Professor Mike
Last updated 1/6/2025


This document provides specific instructions for citing, referencing, and specific requirements for submitting Discussions, Case Studies, Exams, and Research Papers. https://online.valenciacollege.edu/courses/218987/announcements
Last updated 1/6/2025