Course Materials for Chef Denlinger
1206C online
This class is being delivered online with optional in personal labs.. You will read the materials from the E-textbook, and answer the questions from the MyLab. I will provide additional PowerPoints and other activities for you to go through and use for studying. You will have a minimum of one activity or lab to complete for each subject and submit with a journal reflection of your experience. There are two ways to complete the labs: 1. At home. You will use your own ingredients and one of the recipes. When you do the lab, you will submit a series of pictures, or a video showing all your steps, from start to finish. This will be evaluated visually. You will also need to complete the self-reflection. 2. On one of the designated OPTIONAL lab days (announced). You may come in during lab times and use the materials and supplies provided by the school. The choices in recipes and ingredients may be limited to what was purchased. You may complete any of the labs of the month. These labs might be done individually or as a group. You may also show up to pick up limited ingredients or to ask for help or advice. The materials you access from Pearson MY-LAB will have unlimited attempts. You may do them as many times as you need in order to get the score you desire. There are other activities for you to complete as desired, some graded, some not graded. These are to help you master the materials. Before your quizzes and exams, there will be a zoom session for review.
Jennifer Denlinger |
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Course Materials |